We took our young aspiring “engineer-in-training” to a model train show on Sunday. He LOVED it so much, that he spent the first 1/2 of it intensely grinding his teeth as he watched in amazement. Liam has been fascinated by trains since he was about 18 months old. He loves Thomas, model trains, real-life size trains…anything on the topic!
And speaking of passions, I LOVE music, and have since I was a child. In fact, in cleaning out my Grandmother’s apartment, my Mom came across a recording of my brother and I singing as small children. As a youngster, I was involved in many choirs, and I also took piano lessons. Although I foolishly gave them up, I miss playing, and I am determined to re-learn this beautiful instrument! So, I bought myself a new toy a week after we moved in to our new house…
A 1921 Heintzman…Isn’t she lovely?!?