

Backing onto Conservation Land, it is not uncommon to see Deer, Opossums, Rabbits, Groundhogs, and varying species of songbirds from the upstairs windows of our house. Being an animal lover, I find this feature of our property just great! One day last fall, as my husband and I went for a walk along the parks trails, we suddenly came upon a Doe. She was just standing there, eating quietly from a nearby bush, and didn’t seem particularily concerned with our presence. I think out of the three of us, she was the least shocked!

This morning, I awoke to the familiar sound of singing birds. I recognized the song of a Cardinal, a Chick-a-dee, and a chorus of little Sparrows and Finches. I also heard the twittering of our two Budgies “Toby” and “Ki-Ki,” who were likely singing back to the outdoor birds they can see from their cages. One song I heard from the outdoor birds had a familiar, yet somehow mysterious sound to it. I wondered if it could possibly be a robin? It is afterall, raining very hard…and Robins like rain!!! Spring is supposed to be here soon…could it be?

Today, I will be on the look-out for the Robin I hope I heard early this morning. They say into every life, a little rain must fall, and I sure don’t mind if it is accompanied by Robins, nature’s symbol of the beginning of spring!