Tortilla Soup

This recipe was sent to me by a new-found-foodie-friend in the States! It sounds delicious, and I can’t wait to try it – I’ve really not been cooking much this week (strange, I know) and largely it’s due to the fact that I am on a rather...

Heartfelt Thanks!

I have been so pleased with the on-line sales of my new book, and while I have tried to e-mail as many people as I could to say thanks for their purchases and support, I wasn’t able to thank everyone personally. THANKS SO MUCH to all of you! Your support and...

Company’s Coming Cook Books

Among the 60+ cookbooks in the rapidly growing collection on my kitchen shelves, I have many of the Company’s Coming series by Jean Pare. Her books offer straight-forward recipes, perfect for both entertaining and for family. Recently, I picked up a copy of...

My Next-Door Nonna

I love my next-door-neighbour! She’s all of about 4’11 but what she lacks in height she makes up for with a generous heart. She makes us wonderful desserts, pastas and today, taught me how to make panattone. I’m thrilled! Now, I wanted to post...

Matzo Ball Soup

I’m always picking up cookbooks here and there – it’s just one of those things I do. At the bookstore, the cooking section is usually where I can be found (well, there or the arts and crafts section…oh ya, or the kids section!) In any case, my...