Awesome Banana Muffins Recipe

Awesome Banana Muffins Recipe

These Banana Muffins are easy, delicious and quick to prepare. Plus, you probably have everything you need to make them in your kitchen right now. A favourite with kids and adults alike, these moist muffins are sure to please. I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t...

Easy Cranberry Sauce Muffins

This recipe might look a tad familiar to you. Why? Well, once again it’s my Famous Banana Muffin Recipe, transformed just a little but without the bananas! Just replace them with canned cranberry sauce (or fresh cooked if you’ve got it) add in some pumpkin...

The Basic Muffin Recipe

Today on Breakfast Television, I made muffins “5 ways in 5 minutes,” and as promised, this evening I wanted to tell you how it can be done. So, the following is a basic muffin recipe, to which many variations may be applied. Basic Dry Muffin Mix 1 1/2 cups...

The Combo Muffin

Being a foodie blogger, I often sit around drumming up new recipe ideas and ways to change my existing favorites, to make them better tasting and easier than ever. Today’s great new “invention” was a combination of two of my favorite recipes into one...